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Columbine to Las Vegas on Vanity Fair Podcast

The Psychology Behind Mass Shootings is the title of this week's Vanity Fair podcast "Inside the Hive with Nick Bilton. It's an in-depth interview with me, about what drives these mass killers, and what we can do about it.

Columbine Inside the Hive Nick Bilton Dave Cullen Las Vegas mass shooters

Part of the Vanity Fair preview:

Cullen cites the previous example of airline hijackings, which occurred with alarming frequency in the 70s and 80s (and, of course, reached their nadir during the horrific attacks of September 11), but now seldom occur—especially in the United States. Cullen believes (and rightfully hopes) that one day, the same will be true for these mass shootings. He’s unsure exactly how we’ll be able to stop these mass murders from happening, but he has some theories, including better profiling by the F.B.I. and local police and changing the way mainstream media covers these tragedies. Wall-to-wall coverage on CNN, and other 24-hour cable outlets, only helps to inspire more people to become famous from a mass shooting, he argues

More on Nick Bilton, and his very interesting books.

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