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Autopsy Reports
Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold

Scans of the complete autopsy reports below for the Columbine killers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. First, I highlight several noteworthy items. Each item allows you to click to jump right to the scan of the applicable page.



Eric Harris Autopsy


Dylan Klebold Autopsy


Eric Harris' Wound Summary

Consistent with self-inflicted wound. (The wound is discussed in multiple places, but here is the conclusion.)


Eric Harris' toxicology

Only drug or alcohol present is Fluvoxamine, the generic name for Luvox, right around the middle of the standard therapeutic range, so he had continued his medication begun a year earlier.


Potato skin's

In Dylan Klebold's stomach (in the Gastrointestinal System section).


Dylan Klebold's Wound Summary

Consistent with self-inflicted wound. (The wound is discussed in multiple places, but here is the conclusion.)


Dylan Klebold's Toxicology

No drugs or alcohol.

Eric Harris Autopsy Report

Eric Harris autopsy p.1--cover letter, final anatomic diagnoses
Eric Harris autopsy p. 2 external examination
Eric Harris autopsy p. 3 extremities
Eric Harris autopsy p. 4 Internal examination
Eric Harris autopsy p. 5 gastrointestinal system
Eric Harris autopsy p. 6 kidneys, central nervous system
Eric Harris autopsy p. 7 wound summary
Eric Harris autopsy p. 8 microscopics, toxicology

Dylan Klebold Autopsy Report

Dylan Klebold autopsy p. 1 final anatomic diagnoses
Dylan Klebold autopsy p. 2 external examination
Dylan Klebold autopsy p. 3 abdomen, extremities
Dylan Klebold autopsy p. 4 internal examination
Dylan Klebold autopsy p. 5 gastrointestinal system
Dylan Klebold autopsy p. 6 kidnesy, central nervous system
Dylan Klebold autopsy p. 7 toxicology, wound summary
Dylan Klebold autopsy p. 8 microscopics toxicology
Eric toxicology
Eric Harris autopsy
Dylan potato skins
Eric wound summary
Dylan Klebold autopsy
Dylan wound summary
Dylan toxicology
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