Explore a Decade of Dave Cullen's Research
Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold
I grouped these pictures into categories with Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold in each:
Ordinary life
Rampart Range (target practice)
"Hitmen For Hire" (Key note: They are acting)
Yearbook &portrait photos
Descriptions below each photo. ​More picture of Eric and Dylan on the Columbine crime scene photos page.
Ordinary life
This group is mostly screen-captures from videos Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold and friends shot of themselves in daily routine.​

Dylan Klebold, hanging out in the car, from video.

Dylan Klebold, a moment later.

Eric Harris, Halloween costume, five years old.

Eric Harris in Little League.

Dylan Klebold and his date Robyn Anderson, heading to prom. Robyn was the 4.0 honor student and active church-group girl who acquired three of the four guns.

Robyn Anderson.

Eric Harris.
Dylan Klebold, as a young boy with his mom, Sue Klebold. (Click on the pic to read Sue's wonderful essay in O Magazine, where it first appeared. You may also want to check out her TED Talk, her memoir, A Mother's Reckoning, or my Vanity Fair piece: "Columbine mother Sue Klebold's first TV interview...")
Rampart Range
This are also screen-captures from the videos Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold's shot of them taking target practice at Rampart Range, in the Rocky Mountains.

Eric Harris shooting his shotgun at Rampart Range.

​Eric Harris a moment later, grinning.

Dylan Klebold shooting his shotgun at Rampart Range.

Dylan Klebold holding up a bowling pin he just shot up.

Close-up on Dylan Klebold holding the bowling pin a moment after the previous at Rampart Range.
Acting Poses: "Hitmen For Hire"
These are from short films Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold created, mostly "Hitmen For Hire." They are acting here—playing characters in a short fictional films. These shots are commonly depicted as Eric and Dylan's normal expressions, which is absurd. But they do illustrate the personae the boys wanted to project, but it's acting.

Eric Harris shouting in "Hitmen for Hire."

Eric Harris a moment later.

Eric Harris about to perform a (staged) execution in "Hitmen for Hire."

Eric Harris a moment later.

Dylan Klebold playing crazy in a scene.

Dylan Klebold a moment later.

Eric Harris (left) and Dylan Klebold wielding toy guns in a Hitman scene.
Yearbook and portrait photos

Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold, yearbook photos. (Eric on the left.)

Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold, older.

Eric Harris & Dylan Klebold, high school (Columbine).

Eric Harris (right) and friends in Ken Caryl Middle School yearbook 8th grade, 1995.

Eric Harris.

Eric Harris.

Corner of the infamous 1999 Columbine class photo where Eric, Dylan and friends simulated firing at the camera. (Highlight added to indicate Eric and Dylan.)

Wider shot of that same 1999 class photo. (Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold are cropped out).