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A year and a half before Columbine, Eric Harris wrote a school essay titled "Guns in School," but it's mostly about school shooters.


In three pages, Eric consistently returns to the themes of "killing sprees," "rampages," "shooting sprees" and "school shootings." It makes it clear that Eric was aware of this option well in advance, and by this point he has already researched cheap access to guns, citing Gun Digest stating that he could get a gun as cheap as $69. Here is the full essay:​

Eric Harris essay on School Shooters p. 1 Columbine, $69 guns
Eric Harris essay on School Shooters p. 2, Columbine 'junk guns'
Eric Harris essay on School Shooters p. 3 Columbine rampage spree shooting

School Shooters
Eric Harris School Essay

School Shooters

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