Filming the Columbine segment for CNN's The 90s

I taped my segment in Chelsea today. It's a 7-part documentary series, and Columbine will be part of the hour on terrorism. (Also in that episode will be Oklahoma City, Ruby Ridge, Waco, the Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, and a few others. Each episode will be thematic, rather than chronological.)
The series is created by Playtone, which is Tom Hanks' production company, Playtone. They are an impressive group. They have been very thorough with me, and they asked great, probing questions and did their homework.
I'm always startled by how many people it takes to create these things. There were about 20 people just at my shoot today.
(Here is the extra-attentive make-up woman (sorry, I forgot your name now!) removing the last remnants of Bobby Sneakers off my jacket. Haha. (Corgi hair clinging to my suit from last time I pulled it out. I'm not much of a suit/tie guy.)

The air date has not been set yet, but I'll keep you posted later this spring. #TheNineties